The program monitors and documents the progress of each student in a manner that promptly identifies deficits in knowledge, skills, and professional conduct and establishes means for remediation. Some assignments and assessments are for the purpose of student self-assessment and for program faculty to gauge student development of learning outcomes and graduate competencies. Remediation is not required for these assessments. Assignments and assessments for which remediation is required are specified in each course syllabus. In addition, students are required to complete remediation for any failed component of the Didactic Phase Cumulative Assessment, Clinical Phase Cumulative Assessment, and Summative Evaluation.
At Risk Support
Students who earn a grade of 70.00 – 75.00% on specific assessments identified in course syllabi are considered at-risk for failure of a course, other components of the program’s curriculum, and the PANCE. Therefore, students who earn a grade of 70.00 – 75.00% on a graded assessment/assignment for which remediation is required are mentored by program faculty. Students are not placed on Academic Probation, no assessment of at-risk support is required, and there is no change in the initial grade earned.
Students who earn a grade of < 70.00%, fail a “pass/fail” assessment, a score of < 3.0 (on a 5-point Likert scale) on any evaluation item in the clinical preceptor evaluation of student performance, or have a knowledge and/or skill deficit that is considered to adversely impact patient safety regardless of the grade earned on a graded assessment/assignment for which remediation is required, are mentored by program faculty. Assessment of remediation of the knowledge/skill deficit(s) occurs near the end of the semester in the Didactic Phase. The timing of remediation assessment during the Clinical Phase is determined by the Clinical Team. All remediation assessments follow the same format as the assessment that identified the deficit(s). Remediation of a failed Clinical Preceptor Evaluation of Student Performance may include successful completion of another SCPE in the same discipline.
Students who earn a grade of < 70.00% on a graded assessment/assignment for which remediation is required are placed on Academic Probation and their progress is monitored by the SPC. Students may complete one (1) remediation assessment/assignment for a failed graded assessment/assignment for which remediation is required. Remediation of a failed remediation assessment/assignment is not permitted. Students must successfully complete all required remediation assessments/assignments to be eligible for progression in the curriculum. Successful remediation is defined as earning a grade of > 75.00% on the remediation assessment/assignment. The initial grade earned is changed to 70.00% following successful remediation. Failure of remediation is defined as earning a grade of < 75.00% on the remediation assessment/assignment. The initial grade earned is unchanged following failure of remediation. Completion of remediation assessments/assignments may result in a delay in beginning SCPEs, a delay in graduation and/or failure to complete the program curriculum within 54 months of initial matriculation.
The number of remediation assessments/assignments for academic deficits allowed by the program are as follows:
- Didactic Phase:
- No more than three (3) total remediation assessments/assignments are permitted for each semester in the Didactic Phase.
- Remediation of a failed remediation assessment/assignment is not permitted.
- Didactic Phase Cumulative Assessment
- No more than one (1) remediation assessment/assignment is permitted for each component of the Didactic Phase Cumulative Assessment.
- Remediation of a failed remediation assessment/assignment is not permitted.
- Clinical Phase:
- No more than two (2) total remediation assessments/assignments are permitted for End-of-Rotation written multiple-choice examinations.
- No more than one (1) remediation assessment/assignment is permitted for a final score of less than 70.00% on the Clinical Preceptor Evaluation of Student Performance.
- There is no limit for the number of remediation assessments/assignments for a score of < 3.0 on individual evaluation items on the Clinical Preceptor Evaluation of Student Performance.
- Remediation of a failed remediation assessment/assignment is not permitted.
- Clinical Phase Cumulative Assessment
- No more than one (1) remediation assessment/assignment is permitted for the written multiple-choice examination component.
- Remediation of a failed remediation assessment/assignment is not permitted.
- Summative Evaluation
- No more than one (1) remediation assessment/assignment is permitted for each component of the Summative Evaluation.
- Students who fail remediation assessment/assignment of any component of the Summative Evaluation will be referred to the SPC for recommendation on progression which may include dismissal from the program.
Students who exceed the total number of remediation assessments/assignments allowed by the program are immediately referred to the SPC for recommendation on progression which may include dismissal from the program.
Students may not appeal the decision by program faculty for the student to complete remediation activities. Students who do not successfully complete remediation assessments/assignments are referred to the SPC for recommendation on progression which may include dismissal from the program.