Student Mentoring

Student Mentoring

Student mentoring by program faculty is designed to provide each student with the support necessary to achieve academic success and professional development in the program. During the Clinical Phase, student mentoring occurs in person or via phone or videoconferencing and is scheduled to have the least impact on the student’s clinical responsibilities for SCPEs. Students are assigned a faculty mentor for the Didactic and Clinical Phases of the program. Students must meet with their assigned faculty mentor at least once each semester. 

During the first two weeks of the first Didactic Phase semester students meet with their assigned Didactic Phase faculty mentor to develop their plan for academic success and professional development in the program. Students continue to meet with their assigned Didactic Phase faculty mentor at least once every semester to review their plan and revise it as necessary. Prior to graduation, students meet with their assigned Clinical Phase faculty mentor to determine a plan for ongoing self-assessment, self-directed learning, scholarship, service, and leadership.